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Committees of the Senate

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2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on Appointments consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President
Steve Hranilovic Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
Kim Dej Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning)
James Benn Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Alfonso Iorio (Chair) Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Faiza Hirji Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Kalai Saravanamuttu Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Hfsa Awan Elected Undergraduate Student of Senate
Maxwell Altman Elected Graduate Student of Senate
Stephanie Baschiera Consultant
Sarah Robinson (Acting) Consultant
Kim Mason Consultant

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

133.  The Committee on Academic Integrity shall consist of the Chancellor; the President; the Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies; the Vice-Provost (Teaching & Learning); the Deputy Provost; the Vice-President, Research or delegate; four faculty members of the Senate (one of whom shall be appointed Chair of the Committee); one graduate student member of the Senate; one undergraduate student member of Senate; and the Academic Integrity Officer, University Registrar, and Associate Registrar & Graduate Secretary shall serve as consultants. Six members of the Committee constitute a quorum.

134.  The Committee shall, when deemed appropriate, make recommendations to the Senate on policy and procedures relating to issues of academic integrity, on measures designed to reduce instances of academic dishonesty, and on matters relating to research integrity.

135.  The Committee shall review, prior to its presentation to the Senate, the annual Academic Integrity Report and the Research Integrity Report prepared by the Office of Academic Integrity.

Revised: June 7, 2023

2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on Appointments consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President
Susan Tighe Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Andy Knights (Acting) Vice-President (Research)
Steve Hranilovic Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
John Medcof Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Nathan Andrews Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Kalai Saravanamuttu Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Wael El-Dakhakhni Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Joëlle Papillon (Chair) Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Manish Kacker Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Jeff Weitz Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Kusum Bhatta Elected Student Member of Senate
Barb Eftekhari Consultant

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

116.  The Committee on Appointments shall consist of the Chancellor; the President; the Provost; the Vice-President (Research); the Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies; and eight other members of the Senate, seven of whom shall be elected faculty members of the Senate and one of whom shall be a student member of the Senate; and six members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, except when decisions are being made on tenure, permanence, or promotion recommendations, at which meeting eight members of the Committee, one of whom shall be the Provost and one of whom shall be the Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, shall constitute a quorum. In the event of an equality of votes on tenure, permanence, or promotion recommendations, the question is deemed to be decided in favour of the Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee’s recommendation, notwithstanding the provision of clause 74.

117.  The Committee shall nominate the members of the Committee for Nominating a Chancellor in conformity with the provisions of clause 9(a) and shall nominate the members of the Senate component of the Committee for Recommending a President in conformity with clause 9(b). These nominations shall be presented at a Senate meeting, together with a brief statement of each candidate’s skills and interests. No additional nominations may be made at that Senate meeting, but subsequent to the meeting, members of the Senate shall be provided with the opportunity to submit written nominations of additional candidates for inclusion on the slate, provided that such nominations are signed by three members of the Senate. If necessary, an election shall be conducted by the University Secretary immediately following the end of the nomination period. A brief statement of each nominee’s skills and interests shall be provided to Senators along with the ballot. Not more than one faculty member from any one Faculty shall be elected by Senate to the Committee for Nominating a Chancellor or the Committee for Recommending a President.

118.  The Committee shall have as a standing order of business the making of nominations for such ad hoc selection committees as are charged to nominate to the Senate those to be appointed to senior academic administrative offices and to the offices of Vice-President (Operations and Finance) and Vice-President (University Advancement). In this context, senior academic administrative offices include those of Provost, Dean and Vice-President (Health Sciences), Vice-President (Research), Vice-Provost, Deans, Director of McMaster Continuing Education, academic Associate/Assistant Vice-Presidents, Associate Deans of Graduate Studies and/or Research, Associate Deans of Faculties (see clause 2(h)), Chair of Undergraduate Council, University Secretary, Registrar, University Librarian and such other positions as are designated by Senate from time to time. The Committee shall ensure that the nominations for each ad hoc selection committee include, as nominated Chair of the ad hoc selection committee, the name of the academic administrative officer to whom the appointee shall report. The Committee shall review, and express its opinion to the Senate on, nominations made by the ad hoc selection committees, before any commitment is made to the nominated candidate.

119.  The Committee shall consider and recommend to the Senate on academic appointments, terms of reference, tenure policy, promotion policy, research leave policy, and all matters related to academic appointments. In this context, academic appointments shall be taken to include appointments of Department Chairs and Directors of Schools, Programs, Research Institutes, and Centres, and appointments to named Chairs and Professorships. The Committee shall receive for information reports on the appointment of Associate Department Chairs, Associate Directors of Programs, Research Institutes and Centres, Executives in Residence, and Faculty honorific appointments.  The Committee shall recommend to the Senate candidates for the titles of Distinguished University Professor and University Scholar.

120.  The Committee shall consider recommendations for appointment to the teaching staff from Faculty or joint-Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committees and shall:

(a) decide that the faculty member is to be nominated for a tenured appointment, a continuing appointment without annual review or a permanent teaching appointment and so inform the Senate; or

(b) recommend to the President that the period of a tenure-track appointment, a special appointment or a teaching-track appointment be extended, and so inform the Senate; or

(c) decide that no action be taken on the case; or

(d) decide that a faculty member’s tenure-track appointment, special appointment or teaching-track appointment be allowed to lapse and so inform the Senate.

121.  The Committee shall consider recommendations for promotion from Faculty or joint-Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committees and shall:

(a) decide that promotion is to be granted at this time, and so inform the Senate; or

(b) decide that no action is to be taken in regard to promotion.

122.  The Committee shall nominate the membership of the Executive Committee, and shall report thereon to the regular meeting of the Senate in June of each year.

Revised: June 7, 2023

2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on By-Laws consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President
Andrea Thyret-Kidd Secretary of the Senate
Stephanie Springgay (Chair) Member of Senate
Saara Greene Member of Faculty
Paul Andrews Member of Faculty


Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

131.  The Committee on By-laws shall consist of the Chancellor; the President; and four members appointed by the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the Senate and one of whom shall be the University Secretary; and three members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof.

132.  The Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate:

(a) for the appropriate form of any amendment to any by-law and of any new by-law, of the Senate or of a Council or of a Faculty, that the Senate has approved in principle;

(b) for any alteration of any by-law, of the Senate or of a Council or a Faculty, deemed by the Committee to be necessary as a consequence of any amendment or of any new by-law approved by the Senate or to be desirable for reasons of consistency or the like;

(c) on any matter pertaining to the by-laws of the Senate or of a Council or of a Faculty that may be referred to the Committee by the Senate, or on any such matter that the Committee may deem appropriate for the attention of the Senate.

Revised: June 7, 2023

2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on Honorary Degrees consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith (Chair) Chancellor
David Farrar President and Vice-Chancellor
Rick Monture Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Michael McGillion Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Graeme Luke Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Chris Sinding Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Carlos Filipe Elected Faculty Member of Senate
Brenda O’Connor Alumni Member of Senate

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

  1. The Committee on Honorary Degrees shall consist of the following membership:

Ex Officio Members
Chancellor, who shall be Chair
President and Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Vice-Chair

Six faculty senators, one from each Faculty
One alumni senator
One graduate student senator
One undergraduate student senator

University Registrar or delegate
Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusion or delegate
Advisor to the President, External Relations or delegate

Six members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof.

  1. The Committee shall receive and consider nominations for honorary degrees. The Committee is responsible for presenting to the Senate a list of recommended recipients, the type of degree and the Convocation Ceremony at which each degree should be conferred.
  2. The Committee shall advise on policies relating to honorary degrees.

Revised: April 10, 2024

2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on Student Affairs consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President
Sean Van Koughnett (Chair) Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) and Dean of Students
Pau Pujolas Faculty Member
Suleiman Igdoura Faculty Member
Renae Watchman Faculty Member of Senate
Kerry Yang Undergraduate Student
Ahmed Abdalla Undergraduate Student
Mark Fahmy Undergraduate Student
Sina Biazar Graduate Student Senator

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

139. The Committee on Student Affairs shall consist of the following membership:

Ex Officio Members
President and Vice Chancellor
Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) & Dean of Students, who shall be Chair

Three faculty members, at least one of whom shall be an elected faculty member of the Senate
Four student members of Senate, one of whom shall be a graduate student and three of whom shall be undergraduate students.

President, McMaster Association of Part-Time Students (MAPS) or student delegate

Five members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof.

140. The Committee has the authority to approve, on behalf of the Senate, minor changes to the Residence Agreement Contract, and will report the revisions to the Senate for information. The Committee has the authority to approve major changes to the Residence Agreement Contract and recommend the revisions to the Senate for approval.

141. The Committee shall otherwise recommend to the Senate policies, and receive submissions, on non-academic issues important to the student experience, including access, equity, belonging and accessibility, conduct, health and well-being, housing, physical space, and transportation.

This responsibility shall include:

(a) developing and periodically reviewing in consultation with relevant student leadership, for recommendation to the Senate, policies owned by the Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) & Dean of Students, including the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Student Groups Policy, the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, and the Policy on the First Year Experience (Orientation and Transition) for Undergraduate Students.

(b) receiving annually a report from the Associate Vice-President (Students and Learning) & Dean of Students

(c) establishing such sub-committees as may from time to time be deemed.

Revised: April 10, 2024

2023-2024 Membership

The Committee on University Ceremonials and Insignia consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President
Miriam Spinner University Bedel
Claudia Emerson Member of Senate
Mark Walton (Chair) Member of Senate
Eugenia Zuroski Member of Senate
Stacey Ritz Member of Senate
Blaise Bourdin Member of Senate
Pau Pujolas Member of Senate
Sanamdeep Matharu Graduate Student Senator
Siying Lu Undergraduate Student Senator
Sarah Robinson (Acting) Registrar (Consultant)
Cathy Mackenzie (Acting) Convocation & Curriculum Officer (Consultant)


Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

129.  The Committee on University Ceremonials and Insignia shall consist of the Chancellor; the President; the University Bedel; and eight members of the Senate, one of whom shall be a graduate student and one of whom shall be an undergraduate student; and five members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof. The University Registrar and the Assistant Registrar, Records shall be consultants to the Committee.

130.  (a) The Committee shall be responsible for the planning and conduct of all University ceremonials, including all Convocations; and shall keep under continual review the form of and procedure at such ceremonials and all matters relating thereto.

(b) The Committee shall also be responsible for reviewing and making decisions, or recommendations to the Senate or the Board of Governors, on matters relating to heraldic practice and policy.

Revised: June 7, 2023

The Faculty Discipline Board consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

2023-2024 Membership

Faculty Name Term Ends
Faculty of Business Rick Hackett 2025
Faculty of Engineering William Farmer 2025
Faculty of Health Sciences Susan Jack 2026
Faculty of Humanities Daniel Coleman 2024
Faculty of Science Herb Schellhorn 2024
Faculty of Social Sciences Robert O’Brien 2026

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

142.  The Faculty Discipline Board shall consist of twelve tenured/permanent/CAWAR faculty members at the rank of Professor, appointed by the Senate for staggered renewable three-year terms. For meetings of the Board that do not relate to a specific case, eight members of the Board constitute a quorum.

143.  The Faculty Discipline Board shall

(a) adjudicate faculty discipline cases referred by a Faculty Dean to the Provost, in accordance with the relevant procedures approved by the Senate and the Board of Governors, and

(b) when deemed appropriate, review the policy and procedures relating to the code of conduct and disciplinary procedures for faculty and make recommendations to the Senate and the Board of Governors on policy changes or new policies deemed necessary by the Faculty Discipline Board.

144.  The hearing of any case referred to the Board shall be before a Discipline Tribunal, consisting of three members of the Faculty Discipline Board who do not have a conflict of interest, chosen by the Provost in accordance with procedures approved by the Senate and the Board of Governors. At least one of the three members shall be from outside the Faculty of the faculty member concerned.  The Provost shall also designate which of the Board members shall serve as Chair of the Discipline Tribunal.

145.  Hearings before a tribunal of the Faculty Discipline Board shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures approved by the Senate and the Board of Governors.

2023-2024 Membership

The Senate Executive Committee consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Name Composition
Santee Smith Chancellor
David Farrar President (Chair)
Susan Tighe Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Narat Charupat Faculty Member of Senate
Dina Brooks Faculty Member of Senate
Mehdi Narimani Faculty Member of Senate
Paul Faure Faculty Member of Senate
Pamela Swett Member of Senate
Keegan Johnson Alumni Member of Senate
Heva Olfman Graduate Student Member of Senate
Zimo Wang Undergraduate Student Member of Senate


Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws state:

104.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chancellor; the President; the Provost; and eight members of the Senate, appointed by the Senate, of whom at least four shall be faculty members of the Senate, at least one shall be an undergraduate student member of the Senate, at least one shall be a graduate student member of the Senate, and at least one shall be an alumni member of the Senate. Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

105.  The Chair of the Committee shall be the Chair of the Senate. The Vice-Chair of the Committee shall be the Vice-Chair of the Senate.

106.  The Committee shall act for the Senate between Senate meetings on matters pertaining to the affairs of the Senate, as referred to it by the President, the Senate, the Faculties, the Graduate Council or Undergraduate Council, or committees, boards, or panels of the Senate. Such actions shall be reported at the next regular meeting of the Senate.

107.  The Committee shall consider and report to the Senate on any other matter which may from time to time be referred to it by the President, the Senate, or by any committee, board, panel or council of the Senate.

108.  The Committee shall nominate members of the Senate for election to the Board in conformity with the provisions of clause 33 and 34.

109.  The Committee shall nominate the members of the standing committees of the Senate and the student members of Undergraduate Council as required, with the exception of the Executive Committee (for which, see clause 122) and, where it is not otherwise expressly provided, shall nominate the chairs thereof, and the vice-chairs where appropriate, and shall report such nominations to the next regular meeting of the Senate.

110.  After the report of the Executive Committee regarding nominations is submitted to the Senate, the Senate shall appoint the members of all standing committees and boards whose appointment is the duty of the Senate.

111.  If a regular meeting of the Senate is not held in June, a special meeting of the Senate shall be held in June to receive and consider the report of the Executive Committee and to appoint the standing committees and boards for the next academic session.

112.  The Executive Committee shall also consider requests from students and former students for the removal of transcript notations related to penalties assigned under the Academic Integrity Policy or the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

113.  On the advice of the Chair, the Vice-Chair and the University Secretary, the Committee shall adjudicate and decide on any requests, submitted in writing to the University Secretary, by a Senator seeking access to Closed Session Senate minutes of a meeting which took place when that individual was not a Senate member.

Revised: June 7, 2023

2023-2024 Membership

The Tenure and Promotion Appeals Nominating Committee consists of the following members for July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024:

Composition Name
Faculty of Business Ron Balvers
Faculty of Business Jamal Deen
Faculty of Business Stephanie Atkinson
Faculty of Humanities Alison McQueen
Faculty of Science Bhagwati Gupta
Faculty of Social Sciences Bradley Ruffle


Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:


a) The Tenure and Promotion Appeals Nominating Committee shall consist of six full-time tenured faculty members that:

(i) are normally at the rank of Professor; and

(ii) are appointed by the Senate but not necessarily drawn from the Senate with one from each of the Faculties of Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences; and none of whom, during their term on the Committee, shall be a member of a Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee or of the Senate Committee on Appointments;

b) Four members of the Committee constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof.

c) The Chair shall be elected by and from the members of the Committee.


(a) When an appeal of a tenure, a continuing appointment without annual review or a permanent teaching or promotion decision has been referred to the Committee, the Committee shall nominate to the Senate the membership of an Appeal Tribunal, composed of three full-time tenured or permanent members of faculty who have not been previously involved in the decision under review and who are at arm’s length from both parties to the appeal.  The tribunal in each case shall normally consist of one member from the appellant’s Faculty and two members from outside the Faculty.

(b) Each Appeal Tribunal shall normally report to the Senate within four months of its establishment.

2023-2024 Membership

The Senate Board for Student Appeals consists of the following members for September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024:

Faculty Member Faculty of Business Ken Li
Faculty Member Faculty of Engineering Phil Koshy
Faculty Member Faculty of Health Sciences Sara Andres
Faculty Member Faculty of Health Sciences Lori Letts
Faculty Member Faculty of Health Sciences Michelle MacDonald (Vice-Chair)
Faculty Member Faculty of Humanities Grace Kehler
Faculty Member Faculty of Science Luc Bernier
Faculty Member Faculty of Science Ali Hashemi
Faculty Member Faculty of Science Veronica Rodriguez Moncalvo
Faculty Member Faculty of Science Kalai Saravanamuttu (Chair)
Faculty Member Faculty of Social Sciences James Ingram
Faculty Member Faculty of Social Sciences David Young
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Business Paneet Hans
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Engineering Vacancy
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Health Sciences Mathew Ahn
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Health Sciences Youyue (Nancy) He
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Humanities Marissa Cino
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Science Ahmed Abdalla
Undergraduate Student Faculty of Social Sciences Julia Schuurman
Graduate Student Faculty of Engineering Hana Mirvakili
Graduate Student Faculty of Health Sciences Dusan Srdic

Senate Board for Student Appeals

Terms of Reference

Article IX of the Senate By-Laws states:

125.  The Senate Board for Student Appeals shall consist of 12 members appointed by the Senate for two-year terms, of whom six shall be members of the faculty who are not senior academic administrative officers, four shall be undergraduate students, and two shall be graduate students. In addition, the Chair of the Board has the authority to appoint, on an ad hoc basis, faculty and students who are not members of the Senate Board for Student Appeals to serve on appeal tribunals as auxiliary Board members. For meetings of the Board which do not relate to the hearing of a specific appeal, seven members of the Board constitute a quorum.

126.  The Senate Board for Student Appeals shall:

(a) adjudicate all student appeals from rulings of other authorities (e.g., Faculty Reviewing Committees, Deans, Associate or Assistant Deans) on matters of academic standing other than those involving solely a substantive academic judgment, and shall, where appropriate, adjudicate appeals by students in respect of any other allegation of injustice, except in cases where another body has been named as the final decision maker; and

(b) when deemed appropriate, consider and make recommendations to the Senate on policy and procedure relating to student appeals.

127.  The hearing of an appeal shall be before a tribunal consisting of at least three members or auxiliary members of the Senate Board for Student Appeals, one of whom shall be a student. They shall be chosen in accordance with procedures approved by the Senate.

128.  Hearings before tribunals of the Senate Board for Student Appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures approved by the Senate.

Revised: December 9, 2020

Committees of the Board of Governors and the Senate

  • Board-Senate Hearing Panel for Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence
  • Board-Senate Research Misconduct Hearings Panel