For the week of August 26 - 30, 2024, University Secretariat staff will be working remotely. Wednesday August 28th will be In-Person
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MSAF (Self-Report)


The MSAF (Self-Report) is a single request which covers all of the student’s courses and applies only to the work due within the time period of the request.

MSAF (Self-Report) requests for relief shall meet all three of the requirements below:

    • the piece of work is worth less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the final grade;

    • is resulting from extenuating circumstances (refer to the definitions in Section A); and

    • the absence (time period covered by the request) lasts up to three (3) calendar days.


The MSAF (Self-Report) should be submitted when the student is ready and able to return to their academic studies/duties.

Students must submit their MSAF (Self-Report) within one (1) calendar day of the end of the three (3) calendar day period, and failure to do so may negate the opportunity for relief.

Students may only apply the MSAF Policy once to a single piece of work. A second MSAF submission for the same piece of work is not permitted.


The MSAF (Self-Report) may only be submitted once per Term, not per course.

Normally, relief for missed work will not be provided where the cumulative value of missed work within a course, prior to the exam period, is greater than thirty-five percent (35%).


Before filing an MSAF (Self-Report), students should review their course outline(s) as instructions may have already been provided on how requests will be addressed (e.g., how missed academic work will be accommodated) and further communication expectations.

Students shall use MOSAIC to make an MSAF (Self-Report) request, in compliance with the regulations listed above.

Students shall not submit accompanying documentation with the MSAF (Self-Report) request.

The MSAF (Self-Report) is available in the MOSAIC Student Center (in the drop-down menu under Other Academic.)

Once submitted, if the request meets the criteria of this Policy, students should consider their request to be approved.

An automated email will be sent to the course instructor(s) to inform them of the request.

Students Required to Contact Instructor

Students must contact their instructor(s) no later than one (1) calendar day after submitting the request unless the course outline states otherwise. Failure to do so may negate the opportunity for relief.

Students are advised that instructors teaching large classes may require more time to respond.


Instructor(s) will determine the reasonable relief for the request, in accordance with this Policy.

In the absence of a statement in their course outline on how requests will be addressed and communication expectations (e.g., posting information on A2L), instructors are expected to inform students of the relief in a reasonable timeframe.

Absences Longer Than 3 Calendar Days

For absences that exceed three (3) calendar days, students are directed to the MSAF (Administrative Report), as described in the next section.

Meeting with an Academic Advisor

Students must arrange a meeting with an academic advisor for absences that last more than two weeks or relief may not be provided.

Students must meet with an advisor to discuss their options when:

  • the cumulative value of missed work within a course is greater than thirty-five percent (35%); and/or
  • they have exhausted their one MSAF (Self Report) and two MSAF (Administrative Reports), and further work is missed.