For the week of August 26 - 30, 2024, University Secretariat staff will be working remotely. Wednesday August 28th will be In-Person
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McMaster Student Absence Form Policy [MSAF Policy] Resource Page

Types of Absences Referred to Other Policies

Please note:  If there is a discrepancy between this webpage and the approved copy of the MSAF Policy held by the University Secretariat, the Policy prevails.

Policy on Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances Link to the Policy

Accommodations to meet religious, Indigenous or Spiritual Observances may not be processed under this Policy, students are directed to use the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances for these requests.

Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities Link to the Policy

Students seeking accommodations related to a disability or a retroactive accommodation are directed to use the Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities policy.


The MSAF Policy can not be used:

  • for the purpose of time-management;
  • for academic work such as online assessments (e.g., quizzes, tests, etc.), where the student has already completed the work, or has attempted to complete the work. This includes the viewing and/or partial completion of online assessments (e.g., quizzes, tests, etc.);
  • to apply for relief for any final examination or its equivalent (refer to Petitions for Special Consideration: Request for Deferred Examination, in the Undergraduate Calendar);
  • for absences in a student’s clinical placement, co-op placement, or internship; and
  • for McMaster Continuing Education (MCE) programs and courses. MCE students are directed to contact their course instructor.

Absences for Other Known Obligations

Students are directed to contact their Faculty/Program Office to seek guidance on absences for obligations that are known about in advance (“known obligations”).  Known obligations may include the following: mandatory legal obligations (e.g., jury duty, court dates); planned surgeries; and mandatory military obligations.

The granting of relief for known obligations is at the discretion of the Faculty/Program Office and are not appealable. These offices will use the MSAF tool for communications.