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Records Management

Recordkeeping at McMaster University

Records are one of the most valuable resources of the University. Records provide evidence of decision-making, detail rights and responsibilities, show legislative and institutional compliance requirements, and help us do our jobs mindful of risk management and more efficiently. With the implementation of effective records management practices, it is possible to:

  • Control document creation, retention, and disposition
  • Improve efficient access to information
  • Be cost effective by utilizing the on-campus storage facilities and technology efficiently
  • Manage privacy and security risks through planned retention and storage
  • Protect personal and confidential information by conducting annual records destruction
  • Contributing to the institutional archives by recognizing archival records

The University Secretariat is dedicated to assisting all staff and faculty to improve their record keeping practices. We provide teaching tools and advise on the life-cycle of all records from creation to destruction, working closely with University Archives experts to identify enduring historical records.

McMaster University’s Records Management Policy

The Records Management Policy was approved initially by the Principal/Vice-Principal’s Committee on February 13, 2024.

Download the Records Management Policy.

McMaster University Records Retention Schedule (MURRS)

A McMaster Records Retention Schedule (MRRS) governs the life cycle of a record, or series of records, from creation or receipt to disposition or permanent preservation. The MURRS is a tool used to support managing all records throughout the University. It defines retention periods for records and determines final disposition.

The university has legal obligations to retain many of its records for a finite period of time according to their function or nature. Records may hold evidential value for financial, administrative, and historical reasons. Records that detail decision-making, culture, origins, and growth of the University serve as sources of institutional memory. The University Archives is the space dedicated to permanently preserving historical records of university activities.

The MRRS is organized from general to specific. For example, a top level of Human Resources will lead to sub-categories such as Employee Relations or Leave Management and will further lead to administrative records unique to those entities. In the same way, a top level of Financial Management will lead to sub-categories of Accounts Payable or Receivable.

For more information, contact the Privacy and Records management specialist at with questions about records retention and/or records destruction.

Directory of Records

The McMaster University’s Directory of Records provides a listing of the types of records held by the University, (as required by the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act). The Directory contains short descriptions of the functions carried out at the University and the records that may result from those functions.

The directory is divided into three main records groups:

  • Operations Management Records Group – Records that support the unique mandates and operations of the departments and units within the University.
  • Administrative Records Group – Records that support the “housekeeping” functions common to all university departments and units.
  • Executive Records Group – Records of the senior level of management or governance. These records relate to the major strategies and decisions that set the course for the university as an institution within the higher education community.

STS-1000            Student Services Management

Records relating to the provision of support services to students, including records concerning housing and residence services, international student services, Indigenous student services, accessibility services, career services, student wellness centre, and athletics and recreation.

STR-2000            Student Records Management

Records relating to managing student academic information, including applications, registration, academic progress and graduation.

ADV-3000           University Advancement

Records documenting the planning and administration of programs and activities for the purpose of university advancement, including records related to activities that lead and coordinate alumni relations, communications and marketing, fundraising and stewardship to build life-long relationships with alumni, volunteers and friends of McMaster University to advance the strategic vision and academic mission of the university.

RES-4000           Research Management

Records relating to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, including records related to grant applications, contracts and awards, intellectual property and academic research.

TAL-5000            Teaching and Learning

Records relating to the provision of instruction, including those concerning program management, accreditation, continuing education, course management, curriculum development, enrolment management, timetables, lecture and examination schedules, evaluation of student work (rubrics), and evaluation of instructors and courses.

FIN-1000            Financial Services Management

Records relating to managing university and unit financial resources, including budgeting, financial planning, and fund and trust management.

HRS-2000          Human Resources Management

Records relating to managing university employees, employee benefits and services, including health and safety compliance.

FAM-3000          Facility and Asset Management

Records related to the management of university and unit real property and moveable assets (equipment and supplies), including records about construction, renovations, maintenance and repairs, emergency preparedness and recovery, and environmental control; records concerning asset management, information technology supplies, office equipment, furniture and supplies, and vehicles.

CPR-4000          Communications and Public Relations

Records relating to promoting the university and unit mission and programs to ensure good public relations and expanding resources, including records concerning alumni activities, ceremonies, and special events, donors and fundraising, media relations and outreach, and publications.

IMT-5000            Information Management and Information Technologies

Records related to managing the university’s information technology, information and cultural resources and records, including systems development, records management, data governance, libraries, archives, galleries and museums.

ADM-6000         Local Administration

Records related to the general administration of the university and units, including documenting administrative and operational activities common to all university departments and units, such as developing department-wide policies, procedures, and standards and creating or receiving and using statistical reports and surveys documenting any aspect of general administration. It also includes decision-making and day-to-day activities of a general nature that do not fit in any specific records schedules.

RMC-1000          Risk Management and Compliance

Records documenting services provided to senior administrators, faculties, departments and administrative units on all issues with legal and compliance implications affecting the University. Records include legal advice, claims and litigation files, access to information and privacy incident management, contracts and agreement management, dispute resolution, fraud reporting and response, hearings and tribunals, academic and research integrity, risk management assessments (including enterprise risk, information security and privacy and algorithmic impacts assessments).

GAD-2000          University Governance

Records documenting the governance functions of McMaster University in compliance with the McMaster University Act, records pertain to the administration. of the University Senate and its committees and subcommittees, University Board of Governors. and its committees and subcommittees, and the Undergraduate Council and its committees and subcommittees, Graduate Council, University Planning Committee and Sub-Committees; records documenting the development and review of university-wide policies.