This policy outlines the procedures for appointing individuals to acting academic administrative positions. It applies to positions such as Department Chairs and Directors of Schools but excludes the University President. Acting appointments of up to 12 weeks can be made directly by the absent administrator, with notifications sent to relevant parties. For appointments of 12 weeks to 7 months, the academic administrator to whom the position reports is responsible for the appointment and must report it to the appropriate administrative unit, the Senate Committee on Appointments, and the University Secretary.
For acting appointments lasting between 7 months and 1 year, appropriate consultation is required before a recommendation is made to the Senate by the reporting administrator. These recommendations must include a description of the consultation process and, once approved by the Senate, are forwarded to the Board of Governors for final approval. Renewals for these longer-term acting appointments can only be recommended by a duly appointed selection committee and require approval from the Senate Committee on Appointments, Senate, and Board of Governors.
Refer to the full policy below for full details.
Approved by: Senate / Board of Governors
Date of Most Recent Approval: October 14, 2020 / December 17, 2020
Responsible Executive: Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Policy-Specific Enquiries: Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Information Box Group
Acting Academic Administrative Appointments, Procedure for Making (MS Word Version) MS Word Version
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